On Monday-Tuesday 6-7 November 2023, the consortium is gathering in Vienna, Austria, for its M36 consortium meeting, where partners will assess the overall status of the project and the progress made in its last 6 months of activity (M30-M36), based on what agreed during the last consortium meeting in Rome, as well as action items and next steps for the last 6 months of the project. The meeting will be hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies (Institut für Höhere Studien).

Day 1
On the first day of the meeting, attendees will delve into a wide array of topics, covering work package updates and collective discussions. A breakdown of key sessions is outlined below.
- Project overview: follow up on the ongoing activities to be completed by the end of the year, and planning for the last 6 months of the project.
- Clinical data acquisition and processing (WP5, 6): extraction of functional and anatomic data, generation of synthetic geometries.
- Virtual research environment (VRE) implementation and interoperability (WP3): finalisation of the VRE and its user interfaces, including interoperability of its three components, the Virtual cohort generator, the VRE drive and the R-statistical environment for in-silico trials.
- Definition of standard operating procedures (WP4): finalisation of the remaining standard operating procedures, planning of the final SOP collection by the end of the project, interaction with regulatory and notified bodies.
- Quantification of healthcare, industry and socioeconomic effects (WP10): impact assessment on healthcare, industry and society based on in-silico trial results, literature analysis and stakeholder engagement.
- Engagement, communication, dissemination and exploitation (WP 2): planning of the remainng initiatives including conferences and joint workshops on in-silico cardiology, publications, and multimedia, collective and individual exploitation planning.
- Beyond SIMCor: discussion of the project follow up, including future funding opportunities.
Day 2
The second day of the meeting will focus on collective sessions that include virtual cohort generation and validation, virtual device implantation, device effect simulation, virtual device modelling, simulation, and mapping for in-silico trials.
- Virtual cohort generation and validation (WP7): finalisation of the Virtual Cohort Generator and planning of the in-silico trials for TAVI and PAPS.
- Virtual device implantation and device effect simulation (WP8-9): finalisation of virtual device implantation and device effect simulation for TAVI and PAPS, including low-fidelity and high-fidelity validation for safety efficacy and usability endpoints.
- Mapping of engineering metrics and clinical properties for in-silico trials: follow up of our strategy for the mapping of engineering metrics and clinical properties for in-silico trials.
- Coordination and management (WP1): planning of second periodic review with the EC, advisory boards and the final project meeting.