On Monday and Tuesday 13-14 June 2022, the SIMCor consortium partners are gathering in Berlin for its M18 consortium meeting, the first onsite meeting of the project, where they will review the progress made in its First Reporting Period (M1-M18, January 2021 – June 2022), discuss future research directions and open issues, and prepare the Midterm Review of the project in front of the European Commission, to be held on 13 September 2022.
The meeting will be kindly hosted at the marvelous Biotronik premises, the former Imperial Post Office building.

The agenda of the meeting will include:
- Day 1: Project overview, WP1-6, WP10, data collection, VRE and processing collective session;
- Day 2: WP7-9, virtual cohort generation and validation, virtual device modelling and simulation collective sessions, midterm review preparation.